Los Angeles County releases Marina del Rey Conservation Plan

In reponse to pressure to protect herons, egrets and other roosting and nesting species of birds in the Marina from Los Angeles Audubon, the Coastal Commission and others, Los Angeles Angeles County Beaches & Harbors has released a Conservation Plan for Marina del Rey, authored by biologists Robb Hamilton and Dan Cooper. Los Angeles Audubon has commented on the plan regarding the historic presence of herons and egrets in the Marina. Little is know of the birds prior to 1900 when the birds declined precipitously from hunting for feathers for women's hats, but observations from Grinnell and others suggest that herons and egrets have historically been present in what is now now known as Marina del Rey. We congratulate Los Angeles County for considering a conservation plan for its natural resources such as wildlife that are an important part of the ecology of our West Coast.
The Conservation plan can be found here